Sella=Bad Ass the story goes, sella decided to try soccer, a sport she has NEVER played before or expressed a desire too.. she was pretty much too busy growing up with other sports (seriously we have never owned a soccer ball) She made the varsity team...and decided that she LOVED it... really looked forward to practices and was getting the game in her head. (Fri)They were having a scrimage with the boys team and she had a run-in....she felt a snap (she didnt tell us this until days later) Sella called me from school Monday.."mom can I sit out of prac today my foot hurts" me, i say...."NO" then Tues sella again calls me from school.. "mom i dont think I can practice today, well maybe i can ice it and still prac...Wed.. same routine.. coaches insist that since sella hasent been able to full out practice that they require a Dr. release to allow her to play in Thurs. game.... And they NEED her to play and she had earned a starting position! So i make the call.... I say its not an emergency but that she just needs a dr release to play....I take sella in Thurs morning and they do an xray..(theyget sent off and it will take a few days to read and we can call in a few days to see what the results are.. but they wont call) blah blah blah and perhaps she has a sprained tendon... yada yada and she CANT play for a week... with in 15 min of leaving the DR office Sella goes back in to see if she can talk to her Dr again.. The DR... says NO.. hahahhaa and Sella wanted to ask.. please, can the week start after the game that day...(later the dr tells us.. that she was in the back and told them to tell sella that it was a NO).In the car ride over back to school ,sella says to me.."oh....I am soo relieved mom,I didnt want to tell you guys but I thought I broke it". THEN at 2:30 we get a call at home Emma answers...Emma hands me the Phone saying..ugh--oooo I answer and the DR says.. did I hear someone say UGH-ooo... I say .."yes???" Dr says.. "well ugh--oo it is.. can you bring sella back in.. right away she has a fracture of some sort. Its a 30 min ride into base.. I am taking my time because I knew she wasent gonna be able to play... but when I get the call I Hurry.. worried that sella had somehow talked the coaches into letting her play...When I arrive they are running late... but there was sella.. all suited up... I talked to the coaches... And then Sella walks over.... She has no Idea...I tell her we need to run over to the hospital.. and she KNEW... She started to cry.. She didnt cry when it happend or when she practiced on it.. But when she found out that she cant play... she cried. so now follow up appointments... they dont think its serious and she should be back playing before the season ends.
Yes, I would say Sella is BAD ASS! Good night in the morning! Amazing focus, strength, inner reserves and sheer desire. What great qualities for one to possess. And the pics are beautiful. How old is Sella?
Yes, I would say Sella is BAD ASS! Good night in the morning! Amazing focus, strength, inner reserves and sheer desire. What great qualities for one to possess.
And the pics are beautiful. How old is Sella?
she's 14.. soon to be 15
thats how the paulings girls roll. hooah.
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